You are here: AgileShapes > Premier Extension > Dynamic Parallel Approval

Dynamic Parallel Approval

This AgileShape can be used to represent multiple manual (i.e. human input required) activities that must be completed simultaneously (or in parallel).


NOTE: This AgileShape is a specialized sub-type of the AgileWork AgileShape. Refer to the documentation for the AgileWork AgileShape for additional information about the properties and behavior that this sub-type inherits from the AgileWork AgileShape.


Design-Time Properties

The Dynamic Parallel Approval AgileShape currently only allows one participant per line. You cannot (at this time) use a semicolon-delimited list of participants to assign a task to a pool of users using the Dynamic Parallel Approval AgileShape.


NOTE: Since this AgileShape is a specialized sub-type of the AgileWork AgileShape, all of the standard properties supported by the AgileWork AgileShape are also supported by this AgileShape. Since they are already documented elsewhere, the standard AgileWork properties are not documented in this section. Refer to the documentation for the AgileWork AgileShape for information about the standard AgileWork properties. Additional design-time properties (other than the standard AgileWork properties) that are specific to this AgileShape are documented below.



NOTE: This property has no effect unless custom code or custom modules are created that use the specified values at runtime.


This property allows the process modeler to configure initial ClientData values that will be associated with the AgileShape’s associated task(s) at runtime. This is basically a way of allowing you to specify a set of name/value pairs that are passed to your Web page via an object called a WorkItem. This is an alternative to passing data via URL parameters. In your Web page you can retrieve this data via the ClientData property of the WorkItem. It is then up to you to decide how to use the data.


Click the Ellipses button to open the configuration dialog.



This property allows the process modeler to configure the number of parallel tasks, and the participants and “WorkToPerform” for each task.


Click the Ellipses button to open the configuration dialog (as shown below).



The Participant values can only be a single username. Enhancements will be made in a future release to allow custom attributes to be used such as $GROUP() and $ROLE(). If you need to use $GROUP() and $ROLE() before then, you can simply use Manual AgileShapes.



Default value: True

For AgileShapes that support it, this property determines whether the AgileShape will log additional progress and debugging messages to the AgilePoint Server log file at runtime. This property can be set to the following specific values:



Default value: False

This property allows the process modeler to enable the AgileShape to integrate directly with Microsoft Exchange Server so that the AgileShape’s associated task(s) can be viewed directly from Microsoft Outlook’s Task List by the task(s)’s assigned participant(s). Refer to the ExchangeServer property for additional information.



This property allows the process modeler to configure the AgileShape’s integration with Microsoft Exchange Server. When properly enabled and configured, the AgileShape will then insert, update, and remove Task items for the task’s assigned participants, so that the tasks can be viewed directly from Microsoft Outlook.


Click the Ellipses button to open the configuration dialog (as shown below).



Refer to the EnabledExchangeServer property for additional information.